When do you need a Permit?
Click on Building Code Requirements to see what you need to build in the Village. We are aware that the current requirements are out of date. Building Code Requirements have been updated.
Building Permits:
Remember – development and demolition permits are available at the village office and are REQUIRED PRIOR to starting any construction. Once the development permit is approved you can access Toolbox - Construction Code Authority (ccask.ca) to complete the building permit application.
Street Addresses:
Please make sure you have the address of your home visible to the street. This is for emergency respondents, visitors, couriers and village personnel. Please contact the village office at 386-2942 if you do not know your address.
Building Inspector:
CCA Construction Code Authority
Email: office@ccask.ca
Office: 306-386-7777
Ryan's Cell: 306-441-3989